Source code for airsim.utils

import numpy as np #pip install numpy
import math
import time
import sys
import os
import inspect
import types
import re
import logging

from .types import *

[docs]def string_to_uint8_array(bstr): return np.fromstring(bstr, np.uint8)
[docs]def string_to_float_array(bstr): return np.fromstring(bstr, np.float32)
[docs]def list_to_2d_float_array(flst, width, height): return np.reshape(np.asarray(flst, np.float32), (height, width))
[docs]def get_pfm_array(response): return list_to_2d_float_array(response.image_data_float, response.width, response.height)
[docs]def get_public_fields(obj): return [attr for attr in dir(obj) if not (attr.startswith("_") or inspect.isbuiltin(attr) or inspect.isfunction(attr) or inspect.ismethod(attr))]
[docs]def to_dict(obj): return dict([attr, getattr(obj, attr)] for attr in get_public_fields(obj))
[docs]def to_str(obj): return str(to_dict(obj))
[docs]def write_file(filename, bstr): """ Write binary data to file. Used for writing compressed PNG images """ with open(filename, 'wb') as afile: afile.write(bstr)
# helper method for converting getOrientation to roll/pitch/yaw #
[docs]def to_eularian_angles(q): z = q.z_val y = q.y_val x = q.x_val w = q.w_val ysqr = y * y # roll (x-axis rotation) t0 = +2.0 * (w*x + y*z) t1 = +1.0 - 2.0*(x*x + ysqr) roll = math.atan2(t0, t1) # pitch (y-axis rotation) t2 = +2.0 * (w*y - z*x) if (t2 > 1.0): t2 = 1 if (t2 < -1.0): t2 = -1.0 pitch = math.asin(t2) # yaw (z-axis rotation) t3 = +2.0 * (w*z + x*y) t4 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (ysqr + z*z) yaw = math.atan2(t3, t4) return (pitch, roll, yaw)
[docs]def to_quaternion(pitch, roll, yaw): t0 = math.cos(yaw * 0.5) t1 = math.sin(yaw * 0.5) t2 = math.cos(roll * 0.5) t3 = math.sin(roll * 0.5) t4 = math.cos(pitch * 0.5) t5 = math.sin(pitch * 0.5) q = Quaternionr() q.w_val = t0 * t2 * t4 + t1 * t3 * t5 #w q.x_val = t0 * t3 * t4 - t1 * t2 * t5 #x q.y_val = t0 * t2 * t5 + t1 * t3 * t4 #y q.z_val = t1 * t2 * t4 - t0 * t3 * t5 #z return q
[docs]def wait_key(message = ''): ''' Wait for a key press on the console and return it. ''' if message != '': print (message) result = None if == 'nt': import msvcrt result = msvcrt.getch() else: import termios fd = sys.stdin.fileno() oldterm = termios.tcgetattr(fd) newattr = termios.tcgetattr(fd) newattr[3] = newattr[3] & ~termios.ICANON & ~termios.ECHO termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, newattr) try: result = except IOError: pass finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, oldterm) return result
[docs]def read_pfm(file): """ Read a pfm file """ file = open(file, 'rb') color = None width = None height = None scale = None endian = None header = file.readline().rstrip() header = str(bytes.decode(header, encoding='utf-8')) if header == 'PF': color = True elif header == 'Pf': color = False else: raise Exception('Not a PFM file.') temp_str = str(bytes.decode(file.readline(), encoding='utf-8')) dim_match = re.match(r'^(\d+)\s(\d+)\s$', temp_str) if dim_match: width, height = map(int, dim_match.groups()) else: raise Exception('Malformed PFM header.') scale = float(file.readline().rstrip()) if scale < 0: # little-endian endian = '<' scale = -scale else: endian = '>' # big-endian data = np.fromfile(file, endian + 'f') shape = (height, width, 3) if color else (height, width) data = np.reshape(data, shape) # DEY: I don't know why this was there. file.close() return data, scale
[docs]def write_pfm(file, image, scale=1): """ Write a pfm file """ file = open(file, 'wb') color = None if != 'float32': raise Exception('Image dtype must be float32.') if len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] == 3: # color image color = True elif len(image.shape) == 2 or len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] == 1: # grayscale color = False else: raise Exception('Image must have H x W x 3, H x W x 1 or H x W dimensions.') file.write('PF\n'.encode('utf-8') if color else 'Pf\n'.encode('utf-8')) temp_str = '%d %d\n' % (image.shape[1], image.shape[0]) file.write(temp_str.encode('utf-8')) endian = image.dtype.byteorder if endian == '<' or endian == '=' and sys.byteorder == 'little': scale = -scale temp_str = '%f\n' % scale file.write(temp_str.encode('utf-8')) image.tofile(file)
[docs]def write_png(filename, image): """ image must be numpy array H X W X channels """ import cv2 # pip install opencv-python ret = cv2.imwrite(filename, image) if not ret: logging.error(f"Writing PNG file {filename} failed")